Logo for  Seatrail LLC} Suppliers in UAE

Seatrail LLC

Location : Jebel Ali Indl Area 2

City : Jebel Ali

P.O Box : 11406

Phone :  Phone call04 88...

Mobile : Phone call050 8...

Products & Services :  Boat Trailers, Container Building, Container Houses, Food Trucks Manufacturers and Suppliers, Military Tents, Read More...

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Business Details
Business Description:

SeaTrail is rapidly growing in the region, providing ISO certified Containers  modified to offer safe & comfort worker accommodation in construction site, or to be used as emergency labor camps when needed. We customize container according to the customer’s specifications and convert them into number of fast reusable products ie. Quick Hangar, Quick Shelters, Quick Building, Generator covers etc.

 SeaTrail has won many projects under the JETS label, especially a project for the General Headquarters of the Armed Forces, where we provided customized equipment and vehicles. We are specialization in the production of military shelters built in compliance with the latest American and European standards.

 At SeaTrail, we transform a normal vehicle into a customized utility vehicle as per the specification given by the  customer. Example: Command, and Control Centre, Integrated Workshops, Mobile Office, Emergency vehicles and Light Tower vehicles. Communication Centre.

 Our quality standards and highly durable products is giving us a reputation for dependability. We Continue to work hard more, striving to achieve the best quality, and our dedication is the driving force behind our success.

 SeaTrail has got a the very best of everything, starting with Qualified engineers, state of the art production facilities, latest methods of mechanical production and highly talented and skilled workforce. We are confident and ready to take new projects and make it successful.

Our production house is ISO 9001:2000 certification and are standard operating procedure is to produce quality products at a competitive price by focusing on people involved, process, and technology and passionately driving eminence throughout the firm.

Our vision is to provide our service to our client's satisfaction as our top priority.